The Library is open after Sunday Mass:
Saturday • 5pm
Sunday • 8:30am • 10:15am • 12pm • 4pm

The Library is available anytime for Parish groups.
Please just contact me, Lisa Lewko, at to arrange a time.
Mothers Prayers Group
Every Saturday in the Library after the 9am Mass.
For Mothers who wish to pray together for their children and grandchildren, contact Goretti Lee 604-591-1909
“When we pray, we speak to God;
when we read, God speaks to us.”
Important Catholic Devotions

Nine First Fridays of the Sacred Heart Devotion

Five First Saturdays of the Immaculate Heart Devotion

Catechism of the Council of Trent
“There is no single-volume work which so combines solidity of doctrine and practical usefulness with unction of treatment as does this truly marvelous Catechism. From beginning to end it not only reflects the light of faith, but it also radiates, to an unwonted degree, the warmth of devotion and piety.”
The Most Rev. Dr. James Butler's Catechism
“Rev. Dr. James Butler, the Bishop of Cashel in Ireland, first published his world-famous catechism in 1775 and has been widely used in the United States and Canada. It is a wonderfully simple and straightforward catechism useful for children and adults, especially for those who are interested in converting or who have just decided to enter the one true church.”
Baltimore Catechism No. 4
“The Baltimore Catechism reflects the growing realization among Catholics, that to accept, practice and defend the holy faith, we must first understand and learn its truths. Clearly and concisely explaining what Catholics believe, the Baltimore Catechism remains a classic and authoritative reference work for Catholics and non-Catholics alike.”
The Aquinas Catechism
The essentials of the Catholic Faith – clearly, comprehensively, and beautifully explained by one of the Churchs;s greatest thinkers!
Fire of Love
Christus Vincit
For Love of My People
The Power of Silence

Informational Videos
Campaign Life Coalition has released a new video about a growing cause of abortion, and it could be one of our most contentious productions yet.
Did you know that climate alarmism is increasing the abortion rate in Canada and around the world, and fueling a human depopulation agenda?
It’s crucial that pro-life Canadians learn the truth about the climate change-abortion nexus which not only threatens babies in the womb, but even the pro-life movement.
CLC has produced a video to expose this truth.
One year ago, in front of a live audience at our CLC Ottawa office, I conducted an interview with Tom Harris, a Canadian expert in climate science.
We explored the human depopulation agenda embedded in the “green” movement’s goal of banning human-caused CO2. We also examined many of the scientific claims being made by climate activists.
I’m excited to announce that we recorded and packaged that interview to share now with a national audience!
Please watch this fascinating presentation, and then share it with your networks.
Jack Fonseca, Director of Political Operations Campaign Life Coalition
OVERCOMING TYRANNY: Fr. Mawdsley’s 3-Step Plan
Father James Mawdsley presents a basic plan of action for how each of us can overcome the diabolical tyranny that is presently attempting to lock down the world.
Basing his arguments on Catholic principle, Father offers practical advice that culminates with a call to unswerving devotion to the one heavenly intercessor who really can save the world.
Father Mawdley knows of what he speaks. Before he became a Catholic, he spent 14 months being tortured in a Burmese jail for fighting tyranny. (
‘We Will Enter Into the Time of the Apocalypse’ Bishop Schneider Warned About Vaccine Mandates
Courage Apostolate is an approved apostolate of the Roman Catholic Church, which “ministers to those with homosexual and same-sex attractions.”